Month: November 2016 (page 1 of 3)

The WIZARD in a Leader


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We are not talking here of the characters of ‘Gandalf the Grey’ from the Lord of the Rings or ‘Albus Dumbledore’ of Harry Potter. But Wizardry in leadership, in essence, talks about its magic and mystery.

The thing that separates wizard from the ordinary is being “wise”; a trait that is obviously needed by every leader. Bolman and Deal, considering our modern time related the mystery of wizard to the so called – ‘charisma of a leader’; which is the giftedness to capture the imagination, allegiance, and devotion of others. Continue reading

CHANGE: inevitable…frightening…OPPORTUNITY!!!



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Change is inevitable. It is freaking frightening…and threatening. But wait…CHANGE is an OPPORTUNITY!

In our present time, changes are happening faster and with precise consistency and constancy. In the complexity of our  situation where competition, commercialism, and rapid technological advancement are converging, we cannot afford to just keep on asking “Who moved my cheese” (Johnson, 1998). Those who can deal and manage change will emerge as winners. But those who will remain in the state of resentment will be miserable and will suffer a slow and tragic end. Continue reading

Learning from the PENCIL


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Years ago, I encountered the story of the “Parable of the Pencil”. It is  inspiring  and at the same time challenging.

The simple message of the parable is about recognizing what we have and strengthening the most critical element that we need in confronting the ups and downs of life; CHARACTER. Continue reading

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