Month: December 2016

When is Good better than BEST?


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I was able to frame this question almost a year ago. Since then I always post it as a question every time I give a talk or seminar. And consistently, I get the same reaction from those who first hear it; their eyebrows would bump and then thousand of question marks would suddenly appear on their faces. Continue reading

“Strength in Unity”; oneness, not sameness


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The world we are in now is not a friendly one…survival of the fittest is the rule.

The society we are living is not considerate…the weak is measured as a liability.

The battleground is no longer simple…commercialism is stronger; competition is fiercer.

For organizations to thrive and missions to survive, “UNITY”  is a necessity.

But to be clear…”Unity is oneness, not sameness.” Continue reading

“Pirates! Not the Navy”


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For creativity and innovation – Pirates, not the Navy!

I am honestly the orderly-systematic type of person whose safe zone lies on strategic planning and direction setting. This is absolutely good for management, but certainly, not always a healthy ground for leadership and for breeding creativity and innovation. Continue reading

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