Month: November 2021

Election 2022

Our country, again, is in the season of election. Politics will be the hottest thing for the next 7 months or maybe until the next set of leaders take their oath of office. To vote as they say is an obligation and a right. It gives everyone the opportunity to take part in defining our country at least for the next 6 years. It should sound exciting, right? Especially for the approximately 4. 3 million first-time voters.

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MPKK is Spirituality

It’s been a long time since I last wrote something that is spiritual or religious in context. I’ve been into character building, personality development, and people skills themes for the last I guess 5 years. 

Every time I facilitate a workshop on the 7 habits of highly effective people, I always spend a good time talking about sharpening the self in 4 areas; physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Though I do not always mention it, I personally believe that spirituality is the foundation of these 4.

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