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Have you ever asked yourself why God spent a special time creating you and placing you in this world?

Graduation day. I asked the valedictorian of the batch what drives him to study hard and excel in school. He said “I want to have a good life someday! I want to give my family everything they need in life!” I congratulated him and told him to keep up the good works. However, as I turn away from him, I feel that something is missing. There is something lacking in the way he answered my question. Maybe, it is just that I think, a man with such brilliance should go beyond the ordinary, beyond himself and beyond the four corners of his own family.

Come to think of this, our world is so much in pain because there are SO MANY PEOPLE who are preoccupied with their personal dreams, ambitions, and desires. They tend to neglect the “others who are in great need”. They do not feel like lifting even a finger on issues that do not concern them or threaten their status in life. As long as they and their immediate family are not affected, they remain still and indifferent…

Today it is worthy to ask ourselves this question…..AM I ONE OF THEM?