Author: mikemillanes (page 2 of 12)


I have a place of refuge. A place where…

…my angers are tamed.

…my frustrations are consoled.

…my fears are conquered.

…my directions are realized.

…my intentions are purified.

…my values are solidified.

…my wins are dignified.

It is Where I find rest. Where I experience freedom. Where I meet myself.

It is where God is always waiting for me.

A place I call, SILENCE.

Respect, Understanding, and Kindness

Every day, I encounter people who are too engrossed in arguments over what is logical, moral, philosophical, and theological. I find the intellectual discourse already tiring.

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Election 2022

Our country, again, is in the season of election. Politics will be the hottest thing for the next 7 months or maybe until the next set of leaders take their oath of office. To vote as they say is an obligation and a right. It gives everyone the opportunity to take part in defining our country at least for the next 6 years. It should sound exciting, right? Especially for the approximately 4. 3 million first-time voters.

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