Category: Leadership and Management (page 1 of 2)

The Inspiring Leader: A Book Review

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Title of the Book: The Inspiring Leader

Authors: John H. Zenger, Joseph R. Folkman, Scott K. Edinger

Time is rapidly running. Society consistently changing. Organization’s structure and system are pressed to cope up with all the ‘ups and downs’ of business demands. Thus, ‘leadership’ becomes really complex. There is already thousands of books in the market that deals with different theories and leadership models. Most are about characteristics and traits of good leaders based on the success of their organizations. Seldom are those that deal with non-measurable factors in leadership such as spirituality, spirit, soul, INSPIRATION. Continue reading

Strategy and Culture



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“A well-conceived strategy living in the hands of unhappy, misdirected, misinformed people is a sure way to a slow and painful death. There is no comparison to being in the hearts and hands of energized, informed, and motivated people.” Continue reading

“Leading with Soul”: A book review

There is a growing indescribable void in the life people are living nowadays. People are working doubly hard and earning much and yet the sense of insecurity is reaching its peak. To quote, “millions of people arrive at their place of employment, the unfortunate reality is that many see their work environment not as an opportunity, but as a place of mundane misery”. This “indescribable void” can be something connected to the next level of concern which is the mounting world’s hunger for leaders. We are in an era where “leadership” is better defined and explained by books not by actions, by words and not by real life. Such phenomenon explains the reason why for the past decades “schools of thoughts about leadership” popped out like mushrooms in the field. Continue reading

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