Category: Leadership and Management (page 2 of 2)

“Pirates! Not the Navy”


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For creativity and innovation – Pirates, not the Navy!

I am honestly the orderly-systematic type of person whose safe zone lies on strategic planning and direction setting. This is absolutely good for management, but certainly, not always a healthy ground for leadership and for breeding creativity and innovation. Continue reading

The WIZARD in a Leader


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We are not talking here of the characters of ‘Gandalf the Grey’ from the Lord of the Rings or ‘Albus Dumbledore’ of Harry Potter. But Wizardry in leadership, in essence, talks about its magic and mystery.

The thing that separates wizard from the ordinary is being “wise”; a trait that is obviously needed by every leader. Bolman and Deal, considering our modern time related the mystery of wizard to the so called – ‘charisma of a leader’; which is the giftedness to capture the imagination, allegiance, and devotion of others. Continue reading

The Truth about Leadership


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Leadership… big word!

There is a vacuum of true leadership in many (if not all) sectors of our society. This is a sad reality. The sadder part is that, in the absence of leadership, organizations can never serve its purpose of being a social architect. Bennis (2009) posited;

 “Organization is, or should be, a social architect – but this means that its executives must be social architects too. But first of all they must guarantee that their organizations are honest, ethical institutions. Then they must redesign their organizations in order to redesign society along more humane and functional lines. They need, in a word, to be leaders, rather than managers “.

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