At the beginning of this year, I wrote a reflection about life being made up of consolidated CHOICES and CIRCUMSTANCES. After another 8 months in my life’s journey, I would like to add another “C” to my reflection; CHANGE. Continue reading
At the beginning of this year, I wrote a reflection about life being made up of consolidated CHOICES and CIRCUMSTANCES. After another 8 months in my life’s journey, I would like to add another “C” to my reflection; CHANGE. Continue reading
There is a growing indescribable void in the life people are living nowadays. People are working doubly hard and earning much and yet the sense of insecurity is reaching its peak. To quote, “millions of people arrive at their place of employment, the unfortunate reality is that many see their work environment not as an opportunity, but as a place of mundane misery”. This “indescribable void” can be something connected to the next level of concern which is the mounting world’s hunger for leaders. We are in an era where “leadership” is better defined and explained by books not by actions, by words and not by real life. Such phenomenon explains the reason why for the past decades “schools of thoughts about leadership” popped out like mushrooms in the field. Continue reading
We all want to be successful and happy in life. Others would tell us to work hard in order to be one, but why is it that many still end up exactly the opposite despite the “buwis-buhay” efforts. On the other hand, some would say that success is just a matter of luck. But the fact is that “luck” is a probability that is next to imaginary. So how can we really make it in life? What defines and dictates success and happiness? Allow me to share a personal truth that I have proven after 42 years of existence in this world; that is “Life is made up of choices and circumstances”. Continue reading
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