Moment with Friends

Almost a week ago, I had a chance to catch up with elementary friends. The moment was great because of the experiences and sharing. I went home bringing with me a lot of learning from the stories I heard and the actions I witnessed. Allow me to share them in this article;

First, clear vision + hard work is the perfect formula for success. Imagine running hard going South, only to realize after some time that you are supposed to be in the North. Waste of time, efforts, and resources. That is why (M)ISSION is in my framework, it sets Vision, Purpose, and Hardwork.

Second, the world is polluted with a lot of unnecessary things. We need to choose what to pick. What to embrace. What to believe. Who to follow. Our choices become us. That is why our decisions and actions should be guided by (P)RINCIPLES. By our desired results that are based on values.

Third, the proven way to touch hearts and transform lives is (K)INDNESS. Simple or great, it always creates an impact not only on the person helped but with the spectators as well.

Fourth, no matter where we are now or how far we reached, the one that we should keep is our capacity to (K)NEEL (humility). To be humble. To be thankful. To recognize that things are not achieved alone. That God is always in control.

I am really grateful for that special moment with my friends. Though short, it reminded me of the essential things. As the ‘Little Prince’ quoted, things that are invisible to the naked eye.

Thank you, Reggie, Tristan, Elton, Felix, Manny, and Glearwin. See you again soon!



  1. MPKK is a great framework, Mike. Continue guiding your readers to the essentials of life so that they distinguish these from superficialities and materialism.

    You made me miss my high school friends who were very good to me even when I was an insecure, scrawny and sometimes arrogant young man.

    God bless you.


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