Below are brief descriptions of the topics that I shared in seminars, workshops, and other speaking engagements.

MPKK Framework

My Personal Constitution that serves as my guiding principles. Here I talk about the importance of living a life directed by a sense of MISSION. The necessity to take decisions and actions guided by PRINCIPLES. The value of making KINDNESS as the default mode in every interaction or engagement. And the greatness of a person who knows how to KNEEL (humility) and remain grounded in life.

Paradigm and Happiness

Many people are in search of happiness. Unfortunately for most, the search turns into a never-ending experience of loneliness. What seems to be the problem? Does it have something to do with what they do? Is their effort not enough to meet what they search for? Paradigm and Happiness will give us a realization that our conditions in life basically depend on the way we perceive, understand and interpret things; a matter of paradigm. It is important to know that happiness is not searched; it is simply a choice…a decision.

 Paradigm and Habits – based on “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen R. Covey (1989, 2004)

Dr. Stephen Covey, in his extensive research, noticed a change in the way people view success. Over the years, people’s view of success shifted from Character Ethic (integrity, humility, fidelity, justice, etc) to what he calls Personality Ethic (where success is a function of personality, public image, attitudes, and behaviors). That is primarily the reason why in our present time we see many individuals who have achieved a high degree of outward success but still find themselves struggling with an inner need for personal effectiveness and healthy relationships with other people.  The book explains that in order to change a given situation, we must change ourselves, and in order to change ourselves, we must be able to change our perceptions – ‘Paradigm Shift’ – the way we look at things. This is where the 7 habits of highly effective people come in:     Habits 1, 2, and 3 are focused on self-mastery and moving from dependence to independence. Habits 4, 5, and 6 are focused on developing teamwork, collaboration, and communication skills, and moving from independence to interdependence. Habit 7 is focused on continuous growth and improvement and sustains all the other habits.

When is Good better than Best?

In this time of great competitiveness where the measure of success is based on achievements and accomplishment, many people aim to be the best whatever is at stake. They are willing to compromise their principles, values, relationships, or sometimes even their families. Are they making a better choice?

At times, to be Good is enough, or maybe even more than enough. The talk is an opportunity to reflect on the decisions we made, evaluate the actions we embraced, and discern on the life choices ahead.

Educational Leadership and Management: Focus on What Really Matters

What really matters for the 21st-century educational system? Is it the curriculum? Is it technology-based instruction? Is it about having modern classrooms? All these are essentials but are not the only ones talking about the needs of the present generation. Focus on what really matters; Teach minds…Touch Hearts…Transform Lives. The talk can be a guide for school leaders and managers in understanding 21st-century educational leadership.

The Heart of Public Speaking

Public Speaking is basically the act of doing a presentation (speech or talk) to a group of people with the intention of informing, educating, and inspiring them. Various books can teach us the skills in public speaking, but effectiveness in delivering it critically lies in mastering not just the art of it, but more importantly the ‘heart’ of delivering it.

Leadership 101 – based on “The Truth about Leadership” by Kouzes and Posner (2010)

The book is based on 30 years of research – more than a million responses to their leadership assessment – Kouzes and Posner have gathered together the 10 Truths that have stood the test of time and that hold true both globally and cross-generationally. The seminar is a process of examining the kind of leadership we possess. Are we leaders for real? Or are we just part of the hoax and disappointing ones littering in the different sectors of our society?

Politics and Culture in Organization – based on “The Wizard and the Warrior” by Bolman and Deal (2006)

Bolman and Deal in their book explained that in order to succeed in today’s organizational environment, leaders and managers need to utilize two important frames of leadership – political and symbolic – frames that view the world in terms of passion and power. But they discovered through their research that these are just where most leaders and managers are weakest. They tend to shy away from politics because they see their dynamics as sordid and conflicts scare them. They cling to the illusion that if organizations were run right, they wouldn’t be political. At the same time, they have an even harder time grasping the elusive and mysterious influence of symbols. They see culture as ambiguous and don’t realize that it is there that inspirations and influences can take place.

Great leadership doesn’t happen without confronting head-on the political and cultural context of the organization.